
Tuesday, October 26, 2021

To Do Tuesday

 Hmmm - making a "To Do" list for the week may have been a good idea last week, as several new projects have been tempting me.  So much temptation is out there!  But I'm happy to say I can check off most items on last week's list. This week's list needs to be a bit shorter, but I have so many things I want to work on. 

All of the items on my list this week are small, including this little Kim Diehl Simple Whatnots project.  It's called "In And Out", probably because those flying geese point both in and out. There are 9 of these tiny blocks (4.5"), and I am beginning the week with just 1 of them made so far.  If I can get this little one done, then I plan to go back to the one (Laundry Line) that caused me lots of headaches. It is in a project box hiding out - but really needs to get finished finally and off my UFO list.  I really fell behind on these Simple Whatnots mini quilts this year. 
  • Farmers Wife Sampler blocks (2 blocks)
  • choose backing for the 3 Christmas runners
  • Finish Olivia's music bag
  • progress on Checkered Stars
  • make at least 5 RSC blocks
  • progress on at least one Simple Whatnots project 


  1. I recall Laundry Line! You are great at doing UFO's ...I have so many! That block is very nice:)


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