
Monday, November 8, 2021

Design Wall Monday - Nov 8

 I can't believe that it is really November when we had 70 degree weather, sunshine, and very little wind all weekend.  That is just not normal for this time of year in South Dakota!  My husband played golf both days - in shorts.

I sewed, went to guild, presented a couple of Quilts of Valor, watched some college basketball, and generally had an excellent weekend.  So what is my plan for this week?  More of the same, I hope!

The first priority this week will be to make a couple of new presentation pillowcases for Quilts of Valor.  We are running low and have several presentations coming up soon.  And more importantly - I have plenty of fabrics to use to make them and I enjoy it.  

I managed to add on the framing pieces for a second Laundry Line block on Saturday.  And my goal is to do at least 2 more this week.  There are 9 blocks total, and they all need to be framed with 1" strips and other tiny pieces before assembling the quilt top. 

The flimsy is ready to quilt for this holiday wall hanging I made from a recently purchased panel.  I even pulled out a large enough piece from the "holiday drawer" to use as backing.  Hopefully some simple crosshatch quilting will work out on this one.  It's for my front door.  

And my reward - only IF I get the pillowcases made and this week's Farmers Wife Sampler blocks - is to cut the pieces for the November Pillow of the Month kit.  

What is on your design wall today? 

I'm also linking up with Monday Making: 


  1. I just love the colors in the Laundry Line many small pieces!!

  2. I've read your posts from this past week -- you've been busy and productive. The Laundry Line pattern is so piece-filled! Hope you can manage to make all the blocks the same size (all those seam allowances....) I've arranged for a QOV speaker for our Rotary Club meeting this week.

  3. That November pillow of the month looks so cute! Great motivation to get your other projects, which are beautiful, btw, done!!!

  4. The holiday wall hanging is cute and will look nice on your front door. The pillow kit is so sweet. Good luck getting everything done that you want to.

  5. Everything looks so wonderful and colourful. The November pillow is perfect for the season! Happy stitching!


  6. The black and white checkerboard on the gnome is perfect!!! Your door is going to look so festive:)

  7. Lots of great projects going on. I really like the cute panel hope you share it on the door after it is finished. Neat pillow too.


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