
Friday, November 5, 2021

Quilts of Valor - Successful block drives

Recently there were a couple of soft squishy packages that arrived in the mail.  They contained lots of patriotic Jelly Belly Bar blocks made by friends in Ohio and Rapid City.  

Added to the ones collected at guild last month, there are now enough for another Quilt of Valor top.  And it's possible that members will continue to make more blocks.  Last month one member took 30 of the star blocks and is assembling them into a top.  And we have 11 more star blocks as "seed" for another.  At our recent guild quilt show we had a table displaying Quilts of Valor quilts, and had a donation can.  I am amazed to say we collected $101.34 in donations toward supplies or quilting. 

This is the bed in our seldom-used extra bedroom - covered in Quilts of Valor and corresponding paperwork.  We have several presentations scheduled - one this Saturday, one on Sunday, and 2 more on Veteran's Day next week.  And there are 5 more awaiting confirmation of dates yet.  

We currently have 2 quilts needing binding, and  3 complete tops ready to quilt.  There are also 2 more partial tops needing some borders, plus these new blocks just collected.  

I think our little Quilt of Valor group will continue to be busy, busy, busy.   

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! It is a marvelous program, so good to hear of presentations!


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