
Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Quilts of Valor

 This weekend I was so honored to be a part of 2 Quilts of Valor presentations, and both were to women veterans.  And there will be 2 more presentations tomorrow at a local Veteran's Day luncheon.  Those will be to gentlemen who are both Korean War veterans.  

On Saturday we presented this quilt to one of our own - a member of the guild and of the Quilts of Valor group.  Evelyn is moving away in a couple of weeks, and we'll really miss her.  We wanted to make sure we had honored her service with this quilt before she leaves, so it was presented at our guild meeting.  This quilt was a group effort, as the blocks were made by several members.

On Sunday I drove to Crofton Nebraska to present this quilt to Stacey, a Navy veteran.  The quilt and certificate were actually mailed to us by the Omaha QOV group, as her nomination came through them.  She requested we do the presentation in her hometown of Crofton, in the Veteran's Memorial at the city park.  What an inspirational location!  There are beautiful granite stones with the names of local service men and women - both those who gave their lives, and also the survivors.  

I'm so glad we managed to get our local Quilt of Valor group organized because this has been such an honor to be a part of making and presenting these quilts.  It's a small way of thanking our military. 

We need to get busy making more quilts as the word spreads, and we get more requests.  


  1. Both quilts are so pretty. Nothing is more satisfying to me than to honor our veterans and to do it with quilts makes it so much more special.

  2. Way to go!! Each quilt is appreciated!!


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