
Tuesday, November 16, 2021

The "To Do" list is growing

 Every time I think I have just a couple of high priority sewing tasks lined up to work on, then something else pops up to distract me.  I really need to stay off of Pinterest and stop Googling project ideas!!  And after going to the Sew Vintage group on Saturday afternoon, I came home with my head spinning with even more new inspiration.  Boredom is unheard of for me!

Our focus in Sew Vintage for the next few months is to think about how we work with scraps.  I already do a lot of sewing with scraps and love it, but there are so many areas I haven't explored yet.  So much potential fun!!  One of the ideas we've been challenged with making is a quilted notebook or binder cover.  This photo is from Pinterest, but it is just one of dozens of ideas I've been looking at.  Now, how do I decide what I want mine to look like?

And of course after picking up this first month's pattern for the new Saturday Sampler, I came home and had all kinds of ideas about what fabrics I might want to use this year.  The main plan is to use my stash of Christmas fabrics but I think I might make at least one more set of blocks using other fabrics in the stash.  This is the center of block #1, before adding the framing.  I love this block already - it's a star, so of course I love it!!!  This Saturday Sampler will be an actual "sampler" with 12 different blocks, but set in a unique way.  So - if I do extra sets of blocks, I may just make the block itself and not add the extra framing. 

The next task will be an easy one - drop off a partially hand quilted UFO at the local senior center for the ladies there to finish quilting.  My phone rang on Monday morning to inform me that my quilt was next in line.  This was a Saturday Sampler from many, many years ago.  It's a Row Quilt, and I actually did begin hand quilting it myself.  But I'm so terribly slow that I quit after just a couple of rows. It was a good time now to just hire it done, and the ladies at the senior center do beautiful work.  I'm very excited about seeing this finally finished after more than a decade.  

And still high on my To Do list for this week is to make the next 2 Farmers Wife Sampler blocks, and add the framing on at least 1 more Laundry Line block. 


  1. Oh ladies that quilt!! That used to be so much fun to go to a "Bee" my Aunts would make a call for days of quilting...the food was great and the conversation too and we got many quilts done. Not sure my fingers would like hand quilting anymore! Your quilt looks like it is a beauty!

  2. Hi Mrs Sara,
    I've been sewing/quilting for over 10 years. I've got an extensive collection of fabric, patterns and ideas. My problem is I've gotten to where I'm so paralyzed and I can't come up with a plan. Can you give me an idea where you start to plan your year out? I figure if I can start 2022 with a plan, I might actually be more productive. Thank you for your inspiration!

  3. I can sense all the fun ideas churning away inside you, Sara!!! I love the idea of a quilted notebook cover!!!

  4. You are so lucky to have a senior citizen group that hand quilts. I'd certainly take full advantage of that opportunity.


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