
Monday, December 20, 2021

Design Wall Monday - finally a flimsy

It only took me all year to get this far!!  But this Kim Diehl project is finally ready to quilt.   

It needs a good pressing, and so does the backing.  I've had this back and piece of batting all ready and waiting for so long!!  One it's pressed I'll get it pin basted so I can quilt it. 

Laundry Line is only about 36" square, and hopefully the quilting won't take me another year to finish.  I really, really want to have this quilted before Christmas and bound before New Years because it's the very last item on my 2021 PHD list.  Note: Projects Half Done.

Linking up with Design Wall Monday:

And with Monday Making:  


  1. I've admired the blocks as you've posted the photos. Seeing them altogether is a treat! I like the effect of the light stars on medium with the dark accent.

  2. Love your quilt top. I hope you can get it finished before the end of the year. It would be terrific to check everything off your 2021 PHD list.

  3. Way to go! Cheering you on to the finish line.

  4. Oh wow - that is a cool one!!
    it has great visual impact!

  5. I loved the blocks, but seeing them all pieced together is like frosting on the cake 🍰!

  6. It is so beautiful!! Well done, I have admired every block!

  7. Really cool pattern. I like your colors, too.


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