
Saturday, December 4, 2021

Final RSC project of 2021

 It's fun when a big bunch of scrappy blocks (worked on all year) becomes a quilt top. 

The corner triangles are not cut yet, but now that I have the setting triangles cut, I can pin these into rows and start assembling this top.  As I pin I'm going to make sure those center 4-patches all point the same direction. Right now they are all random. 

Working on sewing some rows together will be one of my weekend projects.  Midnight is ready to sandwich and quilt. This Kim Diehl project is only 20" square so it will use up another decent size scrap of batting, and leftover backing fabric too.

At some point this weekend I also need to make a decision on which piece of vintage linen I'm going to use for my secret project.  I've made a decision on WHAT to make finally. More on that another time.

There is a guild meeting today, and we are doing a fun swap - Adopt a UFO.  Anyone interested in participating can bring a UFO in a bag or box for someone else to adopt and possibly finish. 

I'm linking up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge today:


  1. Love your scrappy top! They look so good on point. If you can manage it, maybe leave off the corner triangles. It would a different but interesting shape for a quilt. The green star is adorable too. Happy finishes!

  2. Your rainbow blocks are pretty. Congratulations on sticking with the RSC challenge all year long.

  3. Your scrappy churn dashes (I think that's what they are, lol!) look great together! I love all that color, and the layout, too. Your Kim Diehl mini is gorgeous! Have fun at the guild swap!

  4. Midnight sounds like it could double for your December 2021 TABLE SCRAPS Challenge entry, Sara. SEW looking forward to seeing those RSC blocks finished into a quilt!!


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