
Wednesday, December 8, 2021

More planning than sewing

 No actual sewing took place yesterday.  I bought groceries, drove a friend to an appointment, sorted some laundry, and did a little paperwork at my desk. But I never ventured into the sewing room. However, my brain was spinning away all day long!

I am a list maker.  And it's that time of year when my list-making turns to plans for the new year.  I have printed the APQ UFO Challenge pages for 2022, and have been writing down possibilities.  PIGS have their own page and really could take up multiple pages - because I have way too many projects still sitting in bags, and some in kit form ready to go.  So I'm trying to prioritize which ones I really, really, really want to work on.  

Same with the UFOs.  In 2021 I finished a lot of quilt tops that are now waiting to be quilted - creating new UFOs.  So those quilt tops hanging in the closet are going on the UFO list.  

And I finished a book I was reading.  I've been a fan of Marie Bostwick's books for several years, beginning with the Cobbled Court series.  Her stories really are about relationships among her characters.  And this one was just as good as expected - The Restoration of Celia Fairchild.  

Well, back to my list making and maybe I'll actually get some sewing done today. 


  1. i'm in! downloaded my chart and now to print it out...on a mission...

  2. I’ve been doing the UFO challenge for three years, and it has been very motivating for me. I am thinking about doing two lists this year.


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