
Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Ready to bind

 Over a decade ago I made this 30s reproduction Row Quilt as part of a Saturday Sampler series.  Each month we received a new row pattern. 

I had this crazy idea that I would hand quilt it myself, and actually got a start.  About a quarter of it was done before I set it aside with the realization that I just didn't have the skills at the time. 

I decided to hire the ladies at the senior center to finish the hand quilting so that I can bind the quilt and finally enjoy it.  So binding, and getting rid of the marking lines will be on my task list this week.  I have to work today however, so it might not happen immediately.  


  1. How nice to have your lovely quilt "almost" finished. Are you planning on completing it before Christmas? But on reflection, perhaps not, too much to do, and the days are racing by. I'm looking forward to seeing it in all its glory, when done.

  2. This is going to be a lovely finish. Looking forward to seeing it all done.


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