
Thursday, January 27, 2022

A gift of time

My daughters are both busy/overwhelmed working moms of elementary school age kids and even though both families live only a little over an hour away, we don't get to spend a lot of time together - without husbands and kids.  So having a Girls Night Out is a huge treat.  I love gifts of time together!!!

My Christmas gift from them this year was a "mystery Girls Night Out" experience.  They asked me to choose between 3 dates for availability, then told me to lock it in on my calendar.  But they wouldn't tell me or even their dad what we were going to be doing.  

Early last week I texted them and asked what time and where I needed to be on Friday.  And how should I be dressed?  And did I need to bring anything?  I was told jeans and nice casual would be fine.  We were going to dinner and then . . . a surprise event.  Hmmm . . .  still a mystery!  Dinner was fabulous!!  They took me to a downtown Sioux Falls restaurant called Chef Lance's and we had a really yummy meal.  I had parmesan crusted salmon over garlic/parmesan mashed potatoes, and asparagus. Yum, yum, yum!!

The surprise event turned out to be That Golden Girls Show - at a theater just a couple of blocks from the restaurant.  It was a "puppet parody" and I have to admit it was a hoot.  Picture 4 actors dressed all in black, holding puppets on a full sized stage.  The puppets were "halves" - with life size heads, arms, and torsos. Unusual for sure - but actually very well done and very funny.  The voices of the actors were spot on for the original gals in the show, especially the man - yes - who played the Dorothy character.  

It was a fun and relaxing evening - together!!  Thanks girls!!


  1. What a wonderful gift! Your daughters are very creative, like their Mom, in coming up with this special night. The salmon looks delish.

  2. Sounds like you had a wonderful time with your daughters. It's so nice when a mom and her daughters are friends.

  3. That sounds like a wonderful night out! I truly miss having my mom to do fun things with, but it looks like your girls had just as much fun as you did. Keep doing these "Girls Night Out" events. The memories will be forever with you.

  4. Oh that sounds like so much fun, lucky you and your daughters spending time together.

  5. A lovely meal together (salmon is a real favourite of mine) and then a fun play! Sounds like the perfect evening for you and your girls.

  6. Oh, how great are those girls!!!?? Lucky mama. What fun and great memories!

  7. Oh what a fun gift! Girl's night out is the best thing ever.


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