
Tuesday, January 11, 2022

To Do Tuesday - Farmers Wife Sampler

 Two more blocks are done, and 2 more are cut out. Both of this week's blocks used the same templates but end up so differently.  

This week's blocks included Wedding Ring, which turned out a little bit wonky.  A good pressing with Best Press and a hot iron helped a little.  It also turned out slightly too big and after squaring it up I ended up losing some points.  Weird. 

The other block is Wild Rose with Square, and it turned out exactly the right size.  So the templates were OK - my sewing or cutting was bad for that first block. Hmmmm . . . 

Now I need to go back and make last week's blocks.  I set them aside last week and then totally forgot about them.  This isn't the time to fall way behind as we are so close to the end.

Not much sewing happened so far this week.  Yesterday morning I drove a friend to the airport as she leaves for a month of well earned relaxation with a special person in her life.  I admit to being quite jealous.  I don't mind the cold weather here - I just mind not ever going anywhere.  With working only part time I was really hoping to start doing some fun traveling - until Covid hit.  But I'm ready to go somewhere - anywhere interesting!! 


  1. nice blocks...i've got a stack of all of them somewhere...

  2. Oh wouldn't it be fun to go someplace warm and soak up some sun!! Interesting that the same blocks produce a different pattern:)


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