
Friday, January 14, 2022

Hand quilting the 30s Row Quilt

 My last finish of 2021 was actually this UFO - the Row Quilt that was a Saturday Sampler back in 2004.  I had begun to hand quilt it and only had the first 4 row done.  I finally decided that I would hire the ladies at the local senior center to finish that hand quilting.  I just wasn't ever going to get it done, even though it's only twin bed sized.

This photo is terrible in terms of color - but it does show the lovely texture of the hand quilting.  I still need to run an iron over the new stitching to remove the Frixon marking (heat removes it).  

The sashing is all a butter yellow solid, the background is scrappy white, and the prints are all 1930s reproductions.  I was a much less experienced quilter when I started this one, and used a white on the back of this quilt.  White on the back - what was I thinking??


  1. Your quilt has turned out so pretty! What are your plans for it? Happy stitching!

  2. It's stunning. You're lucky that you have ladies who will do hand-quilting for you.

  3. Congrats on a beautiful finish! How very smart to find a way to finish something that had stalled.

  4. Only twin bed sized? ONLY? That is huge for hand quilting, Sara. I am glad you outsourced the hand quilting so that you can focus on more enjoyable activities. The butter is yummy and shows off all the fabrics beautifully. Staying warm is the topmost on my priority list today. It is freezing. YIKES!!!


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