
Thursday, January 20, 2022

More red blocks

These are the Nanci's Star blocks - called that because I got the pattern and the blue batiks for the first 3 blocks from a friend's stash after she passed.  I pulled out 3 dark red batiks, almost burgundy, to make this month's blocks.  A pink batik worked for the contrasting fabric in all 3 blocks.  

In the photo below the colors are extremely distorted.  But the 3 blue blocks have 3 different light colors, and the dark one is the same in all 3 blocks.  I think once I add a couple more colors, these will look kind of like jewels.  The blocks are 9" finished. 

Here is one more of the framed Friendship Square blocks to add to the collection.  I used a grey background in this one, and when I begin to do more colors I need to remind myself to use a variety of light background neutrals.  My plan is to pull a few each month based on the Rainbow Scrap Challenge color that will work for the frame.  


  1. Nanci was your friend, I presume. These look like friendship stars (with 4-patch corners) so Nanci's Stars is the perfect name. Love the blues.

  2. Very pretty blocks. I like your fabric choices.


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