
Monday, February 28, 2022

Design Wall Monday - Beads & Hexies & UFOs

 Hello Monday!  It's a fresh new week, and we are getting closer to the end of winter.  That makes me happy!!

I saw this cute little meme on Facebook over the weekend, and knew it was something that described me to a T!!  My sewing room hasn't been neat and tidy in years.  Areas get neat and tidy, but never seem to stay that way for long.  I did clean off my ironing area over the weekend however.  And - better yet - I finished the top of a UFO.  So, that's progress!!

My reward for getting Summer Soiree to the flimsy stage is to start on a new Quilt of Valor.  This is Beads, and I'm nearly halfway done with the blocks.  

I'm using just 2 fabrics for the bead blocks in this quilt, and a very planned layout in vertical columns alternating the colors.  However it would be a terrific scrappy quilt as well.  I might suggest this as a possible QOV block drive in the future.  

As for more UFO progress, the APQ UFO Challenge drew #3 for March, and my #3 is Gingham which is nearly done.  I am about 2/3 of the way around that quilt, stitching down the binding.  I should be able to finish that one this week, so I'm going to return my focus to getting the Blue Hexie project to the flimsy stage too.  It's also a UFO, and it's time to finish it.  I have this Island Batik package of blue 2.5" strips.  I think I'm going to use the darkest ones to put a border around the hexies.  Then I can use the other shades of blue to make a piano key outer border.  The strip set will be good Leaders/Enders in between working on a couple of other on-going projects this month.  

Linking up with Design Wall Monday: 

And with Monday Making:


  1. The quilt is valor is going to be very pretty when finished. I LOVE those blue hexies!

  2. That would be a good block for a QOV group!

  3. Love the quilt of valor!! The Hexies too!

  4. liking those beads a lot and thinking scrappy thoughts...and i'm gonna borrow your sign too..LOL

  5. Love those Beads!!! Ive been thinking about them and seeing yours in RWB ... yumm!!!!


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