
Friday, February 18, 2022

Surprises in the mail

 Oh - the many friends I've made via quilting and genealogy social media platforms!  I really feel blessed some days by the wonderful people I've connected with over the years. We've become friends even though in most cases we haven't met in person - yet.

I was gone Wednesday and Thursday on a little road trip with my sister-in-law, but when I got home last night there was a little package in the kitchen addressed to me from my blogging friend Connie, from my home state of Minnesota.  She loves to crochet and knit, and makes the most beautiful cards.  The first thing I pulled out of the package was this crocheted scrubbie that she makes - and this lovely hand made card.  These scrubbies are so handy. 

And when I dug back into that manilla envelope there was this amazing patriotic quilt panel.  There are 4 sections on this panel - 2 like this, and 2 that say "I'm Proud to be an American".  Connie said she saw the panel in a store, and is gifting it to me.  Isn't that thoughtful and generous?  I look forward to figuring out just the right layout to use this in a future Quilt of Valor.

Thank you, thank you my friend!!!

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