
Friday, March 11, 2022

A productive day

 Thursday was a productive day for me.  I did laundry, prepped the budget work for 3 projects, and had plenty of sewing time.  Today I can finish those budgets and get a manicure and haircut. Then maybe I'll have some sewing time again.  The one thing from this week that I didn't get to is my Farmer's Wife Sampler blocks for this week.  Maybe today . . .

Only 2 more diagonal rows need to be sewn together for the Beads QOV.  The remaining rows are the long ones in the center.  I worked from opposite corners on this one.  Once the center is together I'll figure out what I want for borders. 

Another project that saw some additional progress is Tulip Time.  This is the 40th "quad" section for this quilt.  That was my goal, so the next step on this one will be deciding if I'm going to lay them out straight or on-point, and how I want to sash them.  Decisions, decisions!


  1. I almost thought that tulip bunch was shashed already the table is a good color! Have fun!

  2. hope you enjoy the manicure and haircut! Your quilts look amazing!

  3. I barely got my sewing machine turned on today. So I am glad at least you had a productive day! Have a great weekend:)


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