
Monday, March 14, 2022

AWOL for a couple of days

I’m away from my sewing room for a couple of days - actually the furthest from home that I’ve been in 2 years.   This skyline may even be familiar with some of you.

If things go as planned I am getting together with my favorite cousin, for a quick visit.  Tomorrow I have to spend some time working the booth for my hubbie at this conference.  But today is mine.


  1. Looks like Minneapolis to me! Hope you have a good time!!

  2. Drive safely and enjoy the visit! (How many quilt shops are along the way?)

  3. Enjoy your time in the cities! I saw one of your cruise buddies at Festival of Bands and she said they were going on the Dell Rapids bus tour, but you don't get to go. Have fun with your cousin.


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