
Friday, March 4, 2022

Catching up with on-going projects

Block #7 of the Riley Blake Design  block challenge is called On Point Hourglass, by Melissa Mortenson at  This was a fun one and I really like how the background goes around the center diagonally.  These are 10" finished blocks, and mine are all blue and white.  That has been kind of a theme for me lately. LOL

Farmer's Wife Sampler blocks are nearly at the complete stage, with just 5 more to make.  

These 2 blocks are Strawberry Basket and Star of Hope.  I just don't see the "star" in that red block at all, but it is a pretty block.  

The pieces are cut for block #40 of Tulip Time.  I'm not sure when I'll get these sewn, as we'll be busy attending the Summit League tournament the next few days.  College basketball becomes a priority this time every year as this is my husband's idea of the perfect vacation - 4 days watching basketball with plenty of extended family.  That usually also brings in plenty of winter weather to complicate travel.  


  1. You may be stuck on blue at the moment, but it so pretty how can you resist!! Have fun with the tournament activities.

  2. Another blue quilt! Be still my beating heart!!!!! Your other blocks are nice too but I'm a blue girl!

  3. Such pretty blocks, I cannot see the start either:)


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