
Friday, March 25, 2022

It's Friday already

 Hmmmm - where did this week go?  

Yesterday was a busy day around here.  It was my 68th birthday plus I had a doctor appointment and we went to a college basketball game - again.  And today is our 45th wedding anniversary. My question really should be where did all of the YEARS go?

I felt quite spoiled with flowers yesterday. The Anthurium on the left is for our anniversary from my husband, and the red roses are for my birthday from him.  The yellow arrangement is from some of the grandkids. My kitchen counter looks like a flower shop. And I love them all. 

The basketball game was a fun outing for my birthday and it was a WIN for the Jackrabbit women!  They are now in the semi-finals (8 teams) on Sunday, and will host Alabama.  There were over 3,000 loud fans in the arena to cheer them on. What a fun and exciting game.

And there was the doctor appointment that produced no real surprises.  The hip pain I have is really in the trochanter area and I got a cortisone shot on each side to see if that helps. But both of my hip joints will need replacing, probably in the next couple of years.  And the doctor suggested other pain reducing steps I can take.  For right now the focus will be on pain reduction, and keeping an eye on deteriorating joints as well.  Ughhh!!! 

But - I remind myself each day that my life is pretty good.  I'm not living in a country being shelled and bombed.  We have a comfortable home, loving family, and relatively good health - for old folks!

And I have the day off to sew today.  Plus I'm hoping to go to a movie with my husband tonight to celebrate our anniversary.  


  1. Happy Happy Birthday Sara and Happy Anniversary.
    Sounds like great ways to celebrate.

  2. Happy Birthday! What wonderful flowers! Happy Anniversary too! Sure hope the shots help your hips:)

  3. Happy Birthday/Anniversary! Lots of lovely flowers. Getting old is really not for sissies is it? Hopefully you'll have really good luck with the shots and the other pain reduction efforts.

  4. Belated Happy birthday & anniversary! Beautiful flowers. Hope your hips feel better.


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