
Saturday, April 16, 2022

A third week of pink fun

 No sewing will happen today, because we're celebrating April birthdays today.  The plan is sending grandpa and the 2 sons-in-law to Great Shots to use their gift cards.  And the daughters and I will hang out with the kids, relax, and prep the food.  We're skipping the traditional Easter dinner, and grilling burgers and brats.  And using paper plates!  Lots of picnic-style sides and some birthday treats will round it out.  Just a good day spent together. 

More pink fun was had this week . . .

This Twinkle Star block happened.  I love these blocks so much, and just keep making them because they're fun to make and so cute.  I guess I should pull out the project box and count the blocks to see if I'm close to having enough for a quilt. 

I blame the online quilting communities for this squirrel, but it's a good side track I think.  I saw Snail's Trail blocks on a couple of blogs this past week or so - ranging from RSC colors to blue plaid.  And I just couldn't resist making one Snail's Trail block last Saturday morning before going to Sew Vintage.  I began thinking since the pink stash drawer is nearly too full to close that this would be a good project for an all pink baby quilt made of Snail's Trail blocks.  And there was enough of this pink print to make another little heart block. 

And then during this past week, this happened . . . with more cut out and ready to sew.  

Two more were sewn from those little block kits on Wednesday.  There might NOT be a little heart block to go with each one however, but we'll see.  

And on Thursday, I finished 2 more Snail's Trail blocks. 

I think 9 of these 12" blocks would make a nice baby quilt if I add a border.  There is still plenty of pink in that drawer, and these blocks haven't made much of a dent.  So maybe there will be more than 9 blocks eventually.  

I looked back on my blog and in 2014 I made Snail's Trail blocks for RSC.  Actually I used the Eleanor Burns pattern with a solid center that she called Pig Tail.  That quilt was so pretty in all kinds of bright fun fabrics, and it was given away as a wedding gift that next summer. 

A couple of the Friendship Square blocks were also made.  I'm thinking I will divide these up into 2 quilts - one with more of a "boy" feel to it, and the other for a girl.  These should make very nice donation quilts.  

And there was even a pink barn block added to the Barn Silo project.  

What else happened in the Rainbow Scrap world this week?


  1. You did indeed have some fun squirrels in pink visit you this week. The snails trail will be a fast fun quilt. I don't know that I have ever made one of those. Have a great weekend.

  2. So many beautiful blocks. I love the Twinkle Star. Hugs

  3. A passel of pinks in your sewing room this week! Love them all!

  4. Wow!! What a fantastic collection of PINK blocks for the RSC, Sara!!

  5. Today sounds like lots of fun, and you did get lots done this week already! I love the snail's trail blocks in pink - that will be a pretty quilt!

  6. Again, I love the Twinkle Star! The Snail Trail blocks look great & I love your silo. I did a quilt with Lori Holt barns & silos a few years ago & it turns out quite cute. Can't wait to see your finished project.

  7. I love your twinkle fabric choices!!! so dynamic. Also like a milky way/snails trail block, and your pink ones are lovely

  8. Love the snails tails in pink. What a great quilt they will make for someone.

  9. Your pink snail trails look great, what a fun idea to use up a few scraps.

  10. You had a fun week! Your Easter dinner sounds great! Happy Easter!

  11. The Twinkle Star block is one of my favorites.


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