
Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Barn Silo flimsy

 I headed down to my sewing room yesterday morning after catching up with my online students.  There was plenty of time to play while waiting on a project proposal that one of the engineers wanted me to review and edit.  Uninterrupted time basically until about 2:30 when the proposal document finally showed up in my email - Yay!!  

Barn Silo was one of the main goals I set for this week.  It is now a flimsy, and ready to put into the hands of someone else to quilt.  This is a wall hanging and is about 51" square.  

Having someone professionally quilt several projects can get quite expensive.  But I decided this winter that the extra money I earned by teaching online again (reluctantly) this semester would go toward long arm quilting several UFO projects. That put a positive spin on the extra time involved in teaching again after I thought I was retired from that job.  


  1. I really like your barns! Having someone else quilt some things frees us up for what we really like to do... piece quilts.

  2. It turned out so well! I "quilt by checkbook" for some projects though my skill at FMQ has improved with (lots of) practice.

  3. I worked reluctantly for a bit and bought a washer and bedroom set early in our marriage. It did help to get through that job. Look vs the colors you use.

  4. The barns are adorable! Sounds like you found a good use of your “extra” funds.

  5. Love it! You may as well spend the extra $ on things you love:)


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