
Thursday, April 14, 2022

Extra time means extra sewing

I'm generally not a morning person.  I tend to be most productive after my morning coffee, and after about 9 am.   Lucky for me, most of my work tasks for both part time jobs, can be done on my own schedule.  And I really don't miss being in the car headed to work every day at O'Dark-thirty!

Wednesday morning I had a 7:45 manicure appointment - and that meant by about 9:00 am I was home again.  And by 10:30 I had caught up with my online students, and was waiting on some paperwork needed for my other job.  That meant I escaped to my sewing room earlier than usual, and it was a productive time.

Argyle Square by Melanie Collette is block #12 for the Riley Blake challenge.  One block a week, except the last week of each month, is easy enough to keep up with so far.  Four more blocks to go, and then we'll see what the plan is for layout.  

I made one more pink Twinkle Star.  This one has more of a bubble gum hue than the others.

And the yellow barn for Barn Silo is complete.  One more barn block to make for this project.

Last but not least I worked on some of the pink Snail's Trail blocks I have kitted up.  Maybe I'll get those done later today.  I don't think the pink sewing I've done the past couple of weeks has made a dent in the pink stash or the scraps.  Guess I need to sew faster!


  1. Wow! Way to sew! I love the pink star block. :-) Happy Easter!!

  2. You’ve kept your sewing machine humming lately! I like all of the blocks you’re making.


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