
Thursday, April 7, 2022

Farmers Wife Sampler progress

After almost 14 months of block sewing, I am very excited to see all 111 blocks coming together into a nearly finished quilt top.  A friend and I did these together as a challenge - 2 blocks per week.  And now we're both at the assembly stage.  Doing this together with a friend was probably the only hope I ever had of getting this quilt made.  We're so close!! 

I want one more border on the quilt, but haven't decided what color I want.  Right now I'm leaning toward a dark red or a warm gold because there is a lot of both colors in the blocks.  What do you think?  I'm open to color recommendations for that final border.  I have the dark brown for binding.  

Down in that lower corner I've pinned a note with the dimensions on it so I don't forget what size it is.  Right now it's 76 x 94, and I'm not sure how wide I want that final border.  It's huge, no matter what size border I add.  


  1. The quilt center looks lovely! I'm not going to be much help with the border, dark red or gold would both be good choices! Maybe have a narrow 1.5" red border then gold border outside? Happy stitching!

  2. Oh, how gorgeous! I'd do an inner border the same as the setting triangles, then another border of the brown and the brown binding, too.

  3. Hmm, it would depend on the shade of gold or red you went with. I'm not a big fan of gold, so I'd probably go with red. But can totally see the right shade of gold working really well. Sorry, I'm not being much help.

  4. I am partial to red:) It will be a beauty no matter what color you pick!

  5. It's absolutely beautiful and I think whichever color you choose, will be the right one. I love how you both worked on this together. It's a big project.

  6. That’s an amazing quilt: it’s stunning!


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