
Friday, May 20, 2022

Bumps in the road

 Nothing at all happened yesterday in the sewing world around here.  Nothing at all. 

My plan had been to add the pieced sashing to this Saturday Sampler block, and sew up the other 2 versions that were already cut out.  This is block #7 in the series.  The parts and pieces are all laying on the ironing board waiting for some attention - today.

Yesterday I had no ambition at all when I was actually home.  But I did spend considerable time on Pinterest looking at ideas for future small projects like bags or runners.  

In the morning I headed to the clinic for lab work, then back in the afternoon for a follow-up appointment on the hip issue and for my annual physical.  Most things looked good, except I'm anemic for the first time in my life.  So now I'm taking big iron horse pills for a month and iron always upsets my stomach.  Bummer!

And next week I meet with the orthopedic surgeon for the first time.  They won't plan any surgery until my blood work comes back to normal but at least we'll have a plan.  I was kind of hoping to wait until fall, but that will ultimately be up to the surgeon. 

1 comment:

  1. Anemic...have you been feeling tired? Eat some steak! Sometimes the wait is long to actually schedule a surgery so it is good that you are seeing him! I had to wait three months for my thumb surgery.


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