
Monday, May 9, 2022

Design Wall Monday - making apples

It was a pretty typical Mother's Day around here yesterday - my husband played golf and I sewed.  And he asked me what was for supper.  But he did grill the steaks I had bought for Saturday, that no one was hungry for.  Quite normal for our house, as he has reminded me for decades that I'm not "his" mother.  

I have the final red border to add to this Pillow of the Month project from last fall.  My plan to quilt it is just some simple matchstick lines I think.  The back is an envelope style with that same red fabric.  But the binding is a red and white stripe that will really wake it up.  

More green heart blocks came to life as well.  And I pulled out the brown fabric that I'll be needing for binding my Farmers Wife Sampler.  No progress on that to report however.  

A couple of hours were also spent catching up with my online students.  This next week is the end of the semester, so they are frantically trying to finish up any pending assignments.  I'm really ready to put this behind me.  

What's on Your design wall this week?


  1. Spending your Mother's day sewing isn't all bad! I started mine out by washing the vinyl floors in the kitchen, laundry and bath. Then I said no more work, I played with my rubber stamps until daughter and kids stopped over.

  2. How well I remember the rush of activity at the end of semester! I can’t imagine myself doing it anymore. Love the apple blocks.

  3. your apple pillow will look great with matchstick quilting! wishing a non-stressful end of the school year!

  4. Sewing and steaks sound good for Mother's Day! Your apple pillow is a pretty one. Good luck with the end of the semester!

  5. Your apple pillow should go to a teacher -- you?? Just lovely, Sara. And of course your eco-weenie cousin REALLY likes the greens in your earlier post! Happy belated mothers day, mom of two smart, kind, beautiful daughters!

  6. What a cute pillow.... Mother or not - I tell my husband he gets just as hungry as I do... he can cook hahaha... and then I hold out till he is starving... ( I'm so mean haha)

  7. Cute pillow cover:) The last week of school seems to just did good! I won't ask if you are teaching again! :)


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