
Monday, May 2, 2022

Design Wall Monday - May goals

 A new month means new goals.  The list needs to be reasonable this month because I'll be away from home here and there during the month.  There actually may be more hand stitching than usual in May as I do a little bit of traveling.   

Goal #1 is to bind the Farmers Wife Sampler quilt.  I picked this up from the quilter on Friday and as always she did a beautiful job.  

Goal #2 is to keep up with the Block of the Month projects I'm doing: 
** the final 3 blocks of the Riley Blake challenge
** Saturday Sampler blocks (all 3 colorways)
** sew some fun blocks for RSC in GREEN (sage & forest)

Goal #3 is to continue working on some UFOs and PIGs.  
** sashing more blocks for Tulip Time
** Pillow of the Month - apples

What is on YOUR design wall this morning?


  1. Good morning, Sara! You've got very achievable goals--it will feel great to have Farmer's Wife done/done. The May RSC is sage/forest green, according to a comment I read a few minutes ago.

  2. Fun goals! Great eye candy on your blog!

  3. I have nothing on my design wall at the moment, but I’m working on two projects: flag star blocks, and another of Mary’s patterns, using some scrap bricks. It’s dreary here this morning, so I may get to spend sometime sewing.

  4. Traveling is fun but it does take away from quilting time. You seem to have all your projects under control. What a thought — make a pillow a month. The little apple one is cute. Hope you have fun on your travels.

  5. Glad your goals are including so much variety. Enjoy your stitching time! My goal this month is to NOT start a new quilt, lol!


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