
Thursday, May 12, 2022

Gifting baby quilts

 Hmmm - Wednesday was definitely a "desk day" for me.  I spent most of the day updating budgets for one part time job, and finalizing grades for 9 online students.  That leaves me with 2 students not complete for this FINAL semester.  Yay!  

But, I did give a co-worker the baby quilt made for his new son.  The young man was dropping off some equipment for me to ship for calibration, so I took advantage of seeing him in person.  The 4 owners of the company asked (a couple of weeks ago) to buy some baby quilts from me to gift to 3 staff who recently had new babies.  This one is crib sized, and was a panel that I added borders to.  I still need to sew the gift labels onto the other 2 that will need to be mailed anyway. 


  1. I love that panel, such sweet illustrations. I made 2 and gave them away.

  2. Companies that celebrate the joyful events in their employees’ lives are the BEST! The quilt is adorable.

  3. Love the look of the vintage alphabet for a baby quilt!


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