
Saturday, May 7, 2022

Home again - time to get organized

 This will be a short post, mainly because there isn't anything interesting - or "quilt-y" going on around here yet this morning.  Coffee is about the only thing happening for me so far.

We got home after 9:30 last night from 5 days in Houston for work.  It was an uneventful trip home as our flights were all on time.  But we did have a 4 hour layover in Minneapolis.  Not sure what's worse - not enough time between flights or too much time.  Anyway, the suitcases were brought in, but are both still sitting in the kitchen.  Unpacking and laundry will happen later today.   I was just too tired last night to even think about it. 

After going through nearly a week's worth of mail and eating a piece of toast, I went to bed.  I have guild to attend this morning, where hopefully I'll get rid of the final 4 tubs of donated fabric.  And this afternoon once the laundry is going, I hope to spend some time in my sewing room finally.

The May colors for Rainbow Scrap Challenge are sage and forest green.  My stash usually contains more of the brighter greens, but I'm sure I'll find something!  I'm really anxious to dive into some sewing after being gone all week.  

Time to check out what is happening with green this week:


  1. There is nothing nicer after being away than settling in with some fabric and a cup of coffee. Laundry will keep

  2. It's always good to get home after being away for awhile! Enjoy your day - coffee always comes first for me, too!

  3. Glad you are Home Sweet Home and your flight home was uneventful. I'm always happy when my husband reports he had a boring day. That's how I like them now in my mid 50's. Hope you find some greens to play with in your scraps. If not, play with all the greens. :). (Kathy S. -- because I can't figure out how to not be Anonymous.). (When I hit the drop down button it tells me to sign in to Google -- I'm already signed in to Google.). Oh well. Not going to sweat the small things. I need to clean and sew.

  4. Coffee and laundry - the glorious start to a day and the never-ending ball and chain! Have a fun time at guild and enjoy your scrappy sewing!

  5. Life has to happen; I know how it feels to be away from sewing for a stretch. I am always so eager to get back to it! Enjoy the coffee and the catching up - I'm on my 5th (or is it 6th) cup of coffee and second load of laundry. Blog is written and posted; sewing later.

  6. Glad you are home. The restful greens are very pretty!
    FYI People that have embed comment form like yours usually will not have people comment with I Phones or I all goes into a loop. I changed my comment form to popup and more people can is a blogger glitch.

  7. Lucky you with uneventful flights. That isn't always the case these days. Looking forward to seeing where green takes you.


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