
Thursday, May 26, 2022

Lack of concentration

 Wednesday was certainly a day for most of this country to struggle with sadness, and anger that we don’t seem to be a society willing to take any steps to preventing more school shootings. I’ve spent most of my adult life as a teacher, and school has often been the safest place some of our students have.  But that has certainly changed. 

I did spend a little time in my sewing room yesterday, but just couldn’t concentrate on anything.  Mostly I moved things around aimlessly.  Finally I pulled out a pink paisley chunk of fabric with the intention of making something cheerful.  So . . . My green elephant now has a pink friend.

And this morning I will be seeing an orthopedic surgeon for my first appointment to discuss a plan for my hip problems.  My Occupational Therapist daughter gave me specific questions to ask.  I feel nervous, but also glad to make some change toward improved mobility and less pain. Hopefully.


  1. Your elephant is very cute! It's great that your daughter has given you the questions to ask. This should help you and the surgeon understand each other better. Another shooting, it's so sad. Our small town had a shooting last Saturday, 2 killed, 3 in the hospital. Everyone is so angry and yet congress does nothing to stop the purchase of weapons, it's a constitutional right. That right doesn't stop innocent people from being killed.

  2. He is a cute guy! So good to have support and someone to suggest questions to ask! :)

  3. Been a hard week for a lot of people, so sad. But I am glad you could focus on your little pink Ellie, she's a sweetie!! I love that print:)


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