
Saturday, May 14, 2022

Lots of green blocks

Sage green and forest green blocks are quickly piling up this week.  This was a good project to work on in between reading and scoring end of semester assignments from my online students.  I can see the light at the end of the tunnel . . .

The 5 green Falling In Love blocks, with their matching 4" Hourglass blocks, were the first ones made this week.  I love this heart block!  But I really have no idea yet how they will all go together.  

I couldn't resist using that fern print for this one.  I wish I had bought more of it but if I see it again, I'll definitely buy it.  

Twinkle Stars - I just don't get bored making these.  Two green ones were added. 

Nanci's Stars were next in the line-up.  I didn't make any of these blocks in pink last month because the ones I made during the "red" month also had pink in them.  But I dug into the green batiks eagerly to make these.  

Check out the RSC projects shared by many . . .


  1. all very nice green blocks...such fun!

  2. Your twinkle star blocks are my favorite 😻 where did you find the pattern? They are so pretty!

  3. I just love your heart blocks and look forward to seeing them all together.

  4. Lots of lovely green blocks!

  5. Very nice blocks, and your greens look fresh with the white!

  6. Great green blocks, twinkle stars are still my favorite.


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