
Monday, June 27, 2022

Design Wall Monday - Home Sweet Home progress

 What is on your design wall this morning?
My design wall has 11 out of 12 blocks for the next Quilt of Valor.  

This is Home Sweet Home, made from the contents of this year's Liberty Box from Fat Quarter Shop.  I had really good intentions of having this top completely done over the weekend.

However, we were on the road very early Saturday morning to go watch granddaughter Sophia play fastpitch in their league tournament 2 hours away.  This is a "10 and under" league.  We're glad we went too, because we got to see 2 games.  They won the first game by a lot, but lost by 1 in the second game.  Sophia is standing in this photo - second from left.  

On the way home we stopped at a local dairy business to buy some delicious cheese.  They also carry lots of other fun items (food and non-food) made locally, or at least in South Dakota.  I came home with SDSU ice cream too.  One of the important programs at my alma mater is the Dairy Science program, and they make the BEST ice cream.  Little known fact - cookies and cream ice cream flavor was developed by the SDSU dairy science program.  The Dairy Bar on campus has always sold their ice creams, but now it can also be found around the state in some stores.  It's also sold at all home basketball games. 

Sunday sewing was pretty productive, with getting all but 1 of the QOV blocks done.  I will admit however, that I also began to look ahead to the July RSC color which is purple.  I pulled these purple batiks from the stash to use in the Nanci's Stars blocks for July.  I didn't make any blue ones in June because those were actually the first blocks I made from this pattern.  I've been making 3 blocks each month, usually with one of the colors being a constant in all 3. 

And I pulled purples to use in the Falling in Love (heart) blocks, and for an elephant or two. 

One more thing I accomplished on Sunday was to get the binding cut, sewn, and pressed for the Wisdom quilt.  My goal for today is to finish that LAST block for Home Sweet Home, and then to sew that binding onto the Wisdom quilt so I can work on hand stitching it down this week. 

The one negative thing from this weekend- is also embarrassing.  We were sitting in lawn chairs watching the softball games, and the wind was chilly so I had a light jacket draped over my legs. When I stood up at the end of the last game I caught one foot in that stupid jacket and fell down very hard and very ungracefully.  I landed on my hands and knees, but couldn't reach anything to get leverage enough to stand up. It took Dave plus a stranger to hoist me up again.  Darn those bad hip joints!!!  The rest of the day and all day Sunday required plenty of Aleve to take the edge off the pain.  I'm so disgusted with myself for not being more careful. 


  1. Your not the only one who has had an embarrassing fall. I also need something to hang onto to get up from the floor. For me, it's my knees. Fortunately you didn't break anything. Sounds like you had a wonderful time at the ball game and the drive home. Happy stitching!

  2. Hope you are near recovery from the fall, Sara.
    The Quilt of Valor house blocks are wonderful. This is one of the best QOV projects I have seen. Great work!
    Sharon M

  3. Oh no on the fall! I completely understand how embarrassing that is - ask me how I know... Otherwise your weekend sounded wonderful! Fun to see Sophia playing ball and yummy cheese and ice cream on the way home. Have fun with your quilt projects this week. I have to hunt up some purple, too!

  4. Falling is a constant worry. Hopefully, your sore muscles will calm down with rest. Interesting fact about cookies and cream that I didn’t know. I bet Sophia was thrilled to see you at her game.

  5. I am glad you didn't break anything with that fall. Hope you aren't too sore today. You already know I love your house blocks and you'll soon have it all together. It's great you are able to attend so many of your grands games!

  6. Oh no falling is the worst, I hope the pain goes away:(

  7. Oh no,
    I hope you feel better soon. You've got a lot of things going on, but I'm so glad you can enjoy your grandkids events.


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