
Monday, June 13, 2022

Design Wall Monday - a Kaleidoscope

Another PIG has come out of a drawer.  This one is a Kaleidoscope, and was a very small kit I purchased a while back.  See that little bag with the black triangles?  The whole kit came inside that 4" x 6" bag along with an index card with a link to the online instructions.  

There are laser cut pieces for the 8 blocks in the kit.  This particular Kaleidoscope is a variation on the Hexie quilts, only it has 8 triangles per block instead of 6.  So it's cut from 8 identical layers of the fabric.  The gorgeous bright butterflies are what caught my eye in the first place.  

And here is block #1 all sewn together.  The instructions suggested pressing the seams open to reduce bulk, and that turned out to be a good choice.  

Then the 4 little black triangles were added to make a 6.5" block once it was squared up.  And not much was needed to be trimmed - just some slivers of the black corners.  The kaleidoscope itself was the perfect size. 

This should be a quick and fun little project.  Isn't it interesting how different the blocks each look even though they are cut from the same fabric?   

But it will need to wait until I get home again later this week.  I was willing to give up some sewing days to tag along with my husband on a business trip.  It was a No Brainer to stay in a nice hotel and not have to cook for 5 days!  And I do have some hand stitching along with me.

What's on your design wall today?


  1. The butterfly fabric is gorgeous and perfect for the kaleidoscope blocks. It will be fun to see your finish. Safe travels!

  2. These blocks are beautiful! Years ago I made a one block wonder, it was so much fun to arrange the triangles in 3 different way to see which was the prettiest. Happy stitching, enjoy not cooking!

  3. Oh those butterflies are so pretty!! I have never done a kaleidoscope, I'll enjoy seeing yours come together.

  4. I love to see what designs take shape with kaleidoscope blocks. Love the brightness.

  5. Wow those blocks are beautiful! So interesting! Have fun on your vacation!! :)

  6. What beautiful fabric for kaleidoscopes! I love it.


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