
Saturday, June 4, 2022

Getting a start on blue

Blue is one of those colors that I have an abundance of in the stash.  I kept the focus on darker shades this past week to follow the RSC direction, but I must admit I was tempted to dig into the lighter shades too just because I love blue.

Each month so far, I've made 5 of the Falling In Love heart blocks in the chosen color.  I can't bear to just throw away large triangle trimmings, so I've made a 4" Hourglass block to match each and every one of those heart blocks - from those bottom triangle section trimmings.  I'm actually thinking that by the end of the year I might have enough of these little Hourglass blocks to use in a baby quilt - Bonus!!!

The 5 Falling In Love blocks are done too.  I'm definitely in love with this block, but am still not sure exactly how I will put them together once done.  The blocks are about 8.5" by 9.25" unfinished, and there are already 30 of them.  

The darker blues were fun to dig through for just the right prints. The brighter (more medium) blue is a polka dot although the dots don't show up much in the photo.  Oh well, the color is good.  And two of the blues are actually batiks with strong patterns.  

Three Friendship Squares blocks were also added to the 18 already in the project box.  I had forgotten about the green one cut out last month, so that was made first.  Then one with dark blue and one with bright blue were added.  

Next RSC blocks?  Maybe a couple more Twinkle Stars or Ohio Stars. 

What else is happening in the RSC world this week?


  1. i'm loving all those heart blocks every month!

  2. Looks like you are having fun with the 'new' color for the month! Have a great weekend.

  3. Those are pretty blues! I love the one with the stars. That's amazing how your cut off HSTs are mounting up like that - they will make a cute quilt!

  4. The hearts and matching hourglass blocks look wonderful! I using throw my cut off bits away, but its certainly more sensible to do so ething with them, as you are doing.

  5. You really jumped into BLUE month, didn't you? Lovely blocks, one and all!!

  6. Those Falling in Love blocks are such fun! You've done well with finding some very pretty blues for those blocks.

  7. RSC is a great way to use up the bits and pieces in our stashes. Cute heart blocks. Gail at the Cozy Quilter

  8. Fabulous recycle, repurpose, reuse philosophy with your trimmings from one project morphing into a second project. Both so cheerful.


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