
Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Ideas just keep percolating

 Lately my brain just won't shut off.

I have a panel that was gifted to me from blogging friend Connie in Minnesota.  I've been playing with some ideas for it, but keep coming back to doing something similar to this sketch I did.  There are 4 distinct square sections in the panel design and I think I can do the math to separate those sections like this with long strips of color.  I do enjoy "doing the math" to figure out how to make things I don't have a pattern for, but it may take me awhile to decide on final dimensions. 


  1. Your sketch will make an interesting quilt, good luck with the math!

  2. I’m mulling over some ideas for Connie’s panel, too. I may just use them separately.

  3. Have fun! What ever you do will look great!


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