
Friday, June 24, 2022

New leader-ender blocks

 I needed something to use as leaders and enders while sewing the latest Quilt of Valor blocks and other on-going projects, and found the perfect thing this week.  Bricks!

I kept seeing Brick quilts online recently and this is a really easy scrap buster.  Plus they are fast and easy to make.  

They are especially easy to make when I already had a zip lock bag full of the bricks cut already.  I had a different plan for these originally, but this will be quicker and easier.  So far I just had to cut some of the white strips for the sides from the scraps and that was fast too.  I have lots of white scraps because that is my Go To background for scrappy quilts.

The bricks themselves were already cut 3.5 by 6.5 inches, so the side strips are 2 by 6.5.  So now as I work on the last 6 of the Home Sweet Home blocks for the QOV, I can run these through in between.   

1 comment:

  1. Fun! The blocks are definitely “potato chip” sewing - you can’t stop at just one!


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