
Thursday, July 21, 2022

Back to random blocks

Last week I sewed almost frantically all week, whenever I had a chance.  And then this week I've spent more time running around doing errands than getting any sewing done.  But there has been a little progress on a few random projects. 

One more of the little Hello Birdie blocks in the 30s prints!  Our Sew Vintage group was challenged with yellow this month, so here he is.  

The elephant block is 12" (finished) with the narrow frame.  This blue daisy print was calling to me.  It made a somewhat "louder" elephant than the others in the group.  But it's cute.

Our Sew Vintage group was also challenged to make a paper-pieced flag.  Don't look too closely because I made a couple of mistakes.  The blue corner should have ended above that white stripe.  Oops!  And I had to add an extra piece along the left side because I skimped on one of those pieces.  But overall it's OK, and should make a good 4th of July mug rug once I get the paper pulled off. 

As you read this I am on a bus headed to a few southern Minnesota quilt shops.  It’s a 1-day shop hop arranged by our local quilt guild.  Hopefully I’ll have some fun to report.


  1. I know you’ll have a great time on the shop hop. Love the new blocks!

  2. The birdie is just to seet! And as for the Ellie, someone always has to be more loud don't you think, hehe. Hope you have a nice cushy air conditioned bus, it's another lovely warm sunny day:)


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