
Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Checkered Stars is a flimsy

My July goals included adding the final borders to 2 different projects.  One of those projects is now a flimsy and the other one has borders cut.

The yellow outer border was all that Checkered Stars needed to be a finished flimsy.  So this one is now ready to quilt.  It's 48" square, so will make a good baby quilt.

The other project that needed borders was Shooting Stars.  This one was a new project that I pulled from the PIG drawer - (Projects in Grocery sacks) and was a reward for a previous UFO finish.  Such a cute kit, but I felt it needed to be larger.  

A 2.5" inner border has already been added, and the floral outer border pieces have been cut.  One of those borders is actually attached, so it is very close to being a completed top.  

Checkered Stars will probably go immediately be quilted, but the Shooting Stars flimsy will probably hang in the closet until I need a quilt of that style as a gift. 


  1. The yellow border looks great with the checkered stars. I rarely use yellow in my quilts, but I love this completed baby quilt. Nice job!

  2. The yellow border compliments the stars nicely. Yeah for moving both of these forward.

  3. The yellow border is a great addition to the baby quilt. I love the border fabrics on Shooting Star, too.

  4. I am partial to yellow so I love the first quilt! The other one is lovely too, that is a great border for it!


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