
Monday, July 11, 2022

Design Wall Monday - next UFO in line

 Last week I set a goal of getting the binding finished on 2 UFOs - Wisdom and Scotty Dogs.  Well, I've shown you the finished Wisdom quilt.  And later this week I'll show you the finished Scotty Dogs quilt.  Having those bindings done means I'm moving on to the next UFO on my long long list.

And that project is Tulip Time, a Bonnie Hunter pattern.  The tulip blocks have been a Rainbow Scrap Challenge project for a couple of years.  As the blocks accumulated, I sewed them together into 13" blocks with 4 tulips in each.  This past winter I finally sewed the 40th set together, and it was time to figure out how I wanted them layed out.

I chose to sash them quite simply with green 1.5" sashing and scrappy neutral cornerstones.  About half of the blocks are sashed and my goal is to get the other half done this week, with 1 sashing strip on each block.  Then I can lay them out and figure out the rows and play with color arrangement.  

I will admit that I'm not 100% sure that 40 blocks will really be enough, or maybe it will be too many.  The final plan will emerge once they are layed out on the floor.  

What's on your design wall today?


  1. I am so tempted to start a tulip Time quilt. All the blocks I se are so pretty! I like your sashing idea, that makes sewing the blocks together so much easier, happy stitching!

  2. Every time I see these blocks I tell myself to start making some. I just love your scrappy versions. Looking forward to seeing how you decide to lay them out.

  3. Such bright happy blocks! They make me smile.


  4. This will be a beautiful and cheerful quilt!

  5. Catching up on blog reading this cloudy morning (it's going to rain, at last). It's so nice to see all the blocks become quilts, or quilt tops! They're so colorful.

  6. Your Tulip Time blocks are lovely; such beautiful fabrics you have used. How lovely this quilt will be with all the blocks joined together with the sashing.

  7. Beautiful, It has been fun watching this project!

  8. So pretty! You were smart to sew them up into blocks as you went. A pile of finished parts can be very daunting to resurrect. I think your plan to sash and use cornerstones very sensible.


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