
Friday, July 1, 2022

July goals

 How did it get to be July already?  Summer just flies by, whether or not we want it to.  And whether or no we are ready for it.

My UFO Challenge goals for June included the Scotty Dog quick strippee quilt.  It isn't completely done, but it is ready to bind.  So that's a win.  The binding will be that black with white dots.  I'm also in the process of binding another UFO - the Wisdom quilt.  And the Kaleidoscope table toppers are ready to bind as well, although I don't have the binding made yet.

Goal #1 for July - finish binding Wisdom & Scotty Dogs & Kaleidoscope

The UFO I'm choosing to tackle first in July is the Happy Block project with the cute cat fabric.  I had about 8 or 9 blocks sewn, but it has been set aside for awhile.  I got it back out, and am determined to get enough blocks made to put this child sized quilt together by the end of the month.  Or maybe by the end of next week. 

With all of the parts already cut for this project it really shouldn't take too long to have a completed quilt top.  I just need to FOCUS.  

Goal #2 for July - finish the Happy Cats blocks & assemble top

Looking at the other projects on my UFO and WIP and lists, I know immediately that I have several things going that are getting pretty close to having finishes - if only I would just dig in.  

Nanci's Stars has a total of 18 blocks so far, all in batiks.  This has been a Rainbow Scrap Challenge project.  I have the purple blocks sewn for this month already since I had the pieces cut early in the week.  These are only 9" square (finished) so 20 blocks would make a good lap size.  But if I just keep making more blocks as new colors are announced, then it could be bigger.  Decision, decisions!

Goal #3 for July - keep up with monthly block projects

**  Saturday Sampler blocks
**  purple Falling In Love blocks (need 4 more)
**  additional elephant blocks in past month's RSC colors
** continue with Brick blocks (leader/ender)
**  additional Quilt of Valor blocks

Goal #4 for July - progress on other selected UFOs

**  sashing on more Tulip Time blocks
**  finish top for Checkered Stars 
**  add borders to Shooting Stars

I know I'll find lots of other things to work on as well, but this is a good start for setting some goals.  I really want to bring a few projects to that flimsy stage this month.  


  1. OMG you have so many fun projects to finish up. I am sure you will focus and get them done;) I fear my July won't be as productive.

  2. I think you’ll be able to accomplish all or most of these goals, depending on how much time you have to sew.

  3. Scotty dogs, cat happy blocks, what's not to love!


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