
Friday, July 8, 2022

This n That

 No sewing to report today, as we have 3 grandkids here for a few days.  This morning the kids are going to help pick up the branches and leaves scattered all over our yard from this week's storm.  The NWS has called this another Derecho - the second one this summer. 

I "borrowed" this photo from ABC News because it was probably the most dramatic picture of our sky from Tuesday afternoon.  The sky really did turn this scary green color. 

Besides yard work, I believe grandpa plans to take the kids golfing with him this afternoon or maybe we'll all go to the outdoor Aquatic Center if it's gets really hot.  

You have to love life in a small town!  On Wednesday evening we decided to go out for supper and ended up at a Main Street restaurant and bar that is right across the street from the famous Corn Palace.  It was a really nice evening, so we chose to eat out on the patio.  Right about the time we got our food (chislic and a patty melt), a man came out of the restaurant, got onto a lawnmower parked out on the sidewalk, and road away.  I learned later that the man is disabled, and doesn't have a driver's license and can't walk from his house to the restaurant.  So he rides his lawnmower.  And in a small town like this (about 15,000 people) it's great to know that he can actually do that without being ticketed or harassed.  

On a more personal note - the date has now been set for my first hip replacement surgery - August 8.  So I'm hoping to have some binding to work on for the first week or so while recuperating.  I was expecting to have to wait until mid-September, so that earlier date makes me happy.  It's definitely time to get started on this process. I'm tired of being in constant pain. 


  1. Yikes, the cloud formation and green sky are frightening! I know you’ll enjoy the next few days with your Grands. Being in constant pain is hard on the body: hopefully, the days of waiting for your surgery will pass quickly.

  2. Wow you don't have long to wait for the surgery...good for you! Get lots of hand stitching projects ready to go before then!

  3. Best wishes on your upcoming hip replacement. My hubby has been waiting to get a knee done for ages, Covid is playing havoc with the hospital lists, and is finding it hard to move around.


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