
Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Weekend review

 It was a really fun weekend, with a focus on family.  We actually swapped houses with our oldest daughter for the night on Saturday.  They headed to a wedding closer to our town and spent the night at our house, and we stayed with their kids and dogs at their house. 

Saturday afternoon we took their 3 kids and went to my husband's cousin Alan's house for a big loud FUN family gathering.  Only 2 of the kiddos in this group shot belong to us, and the rest are mostly 2nd cousins.  Alan and wife had a huge bouncy house set up on their acreage, plus they have a zip line.  Those kids had such fun, and there were no fights, no whining, and no injuries.  Just fun! The only times they came into the house was to eat or use the bathrooms.  

The adults enjoyed the chance to visit and catch up.  My husband and Alan were in the same class in school, and grew up as best friends.  Alan's sister was besties with Dave's older sister.  Their mothers were sisters, and their dad's even did some farming together. The cousins were always really close.  

Alan's daughter and family are visiting from their home in Australia, and it was wonderful to see them again.  Steph and my daughter grew up as best friends, just like their dads.  And they've stayed very close in spite of living on opposite sides of the world.  More cousins - 3 generations were gathered - Anita's daughter, and Alan's other daughter.  A fabulous day of eating, laughing, and talking!!

By the time we got back to our daughter's house that evening it was time for showers and bed.  Then in the morning we headed to the zoo with the kids.  

It was a beautiful morning for the zoo - cool enough that the animals were out.  The outdoor exotic bird exhibits were all closed, due to protecting them from Avian Flu.  And I skipped the reptile house entirely, although everyone else checked it out.  I really figured the kids were getting too old to want to ride the carrousel or the train but we did it all.  There were a couple of times when I waited on a bench while grandpa and the kids walked the extra distances to some exhibits further away.  The walking was not easy with the bad hips, but I was determined to enjoy the zoo.  And I did enjoy it - fun to be together.  And their parents were home again by the time we got back.

I will also admit that when we got home mid-afternoon my husband headed to the golf course.  And I took a 2 hour nap.  Guess I was more tired from the walking (hobbling) than I thought.  LOL  


  1. Oh that sounds like the perfect weekend activities! I would need a nice nap too, LOL

  2. You made some great memories with the grands. So nice they could connect with more distant relatives.

  3. You certainly packed a lot of fun and adventure into the weekend!


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