
Saturday, August 27, 2022

One final orange week

 One orange Birdie block had to happen to celebrate the Rainbow Scrap Challenge color of the month.  And I also made an aqua one because that's the color for August in our Sew Vintage group.  I've been making these using my overflowing collection of 30s reproduction prints.  No new fat quarters were harmed in the making of these bird blocks - just scraps.

My final focus on orange for August is on Nanci's Star blocks.  These are all batik blocks, and I have no clue yet just what they will become.  I've been making 3 blocks in each of the colorways so far.  With the orange and black, these have quite a Halloween vibe. 

Check out more RSC fun . . .


  1. Those birds are so cute! They are tempting me:)

  2. cute birds! The others blocks are saying Halloween for sure but when mixed with others they won't if you use other colors.

  3. The birds are so fun in the 30s fabrics! I like the Nanci's Star, too - great design!

  4. Your little birds are so darling! Can’t wait to see them all flock together, LOL. And those Nancy’s Star blocks are verrrrrry striking! I could easily imagine those as an alternate block in an autumn or Halloween quilt (in addition to your planned RSC quilt. Lots of great stuff here!

  5. cute birds and fun fabric. The orange blocks are pretty also the print you chose is just perfect!

  6. Hi,
    Love your little birds. Your black and
    orange quilt will be beautiful! Have
    a great day!

  7. Those little birds are so pretty!

  8. Oh Sara, those birds are so cute!!
    Nancy's Star blocks looks great. Looking forward to seeing other colors in the mix. Have a nice weekend Sara.

  9. What a great idea, to make bird blocks in 30s fabrics! The orange bird is adorable, too. It will be fun to see what happens with your Nancy's Stars.


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