
Thursday, August 4, 2022

Planning ahead

We had a HOT, HOT, HOT day on Tuesday!  Thankful for air conditioning!!  

I'm trying to think about some projects that I can work on while recuperating from hip replacement next week.  Hand stitching is definitely something I can do, and I need to get binding onto a couple of quilts so I can actually do that hand stitching.  OK - it's more than a couple - it's 5 quilts.  One is queen sized, and there is a Quilt of Valor, a baby quilt, a wall hanging, and the Shooting Stars quilt.  That should keep me busy!

Some hand quilting might happen too.  This little star project was the UFO I adopted from a guild challenge.  It's all sandwiched and ready to hand quilt. 

There are also a couple of cross stitch UFO projects lying around that I should finish - before I manage to misplace the patterns or the floss for them.  Both are partially done. 

 I'm sounding a bit frantic, right?  There are only a few days remaining of "freedom" to do anything I want and I do feel a bit frantic to have things ready for post-surgery. Tomorrow morning we'll leave for my 50th class reunion, and when we get home again on Sunday it will be time to finish any last minute prep for my Monday morning (August 8) hip replacement surgery.  


  1. You are wise to have plenty of handwork on hand. If you don't get it all finished, you can work at it at a later date. Enjoy your reunion!

  2. hope all goes well...and imagine PT will make sure you don't have any 'down' time...LOL

  3. I'm sure it will be a rough couple weeks but people recover from these surgeries fast now days, good luck nice to have some hand work planned though

  4. I think you have plenty to work on, take it easy and let hubby wait on you. Wishing you all the best. And enjoy your reunion!

  5. You’re a wise woman to prepare activities you enjoy for your recovery downtime. Enjoy the reunion. Prayers for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery.

  6. Good thing you have projects lined up! Hope you have a few meals in the freezer too! :)

  7. Looks like you have plenty to keep you busy! Good luck on your surgery.

  8. You'll be so busy doing rehab and resting you won't have much time for sewing! So don't panic about that. Good luck!!

  9. Good to have things to keep you occupied. You will enjoy the book! Hope the procedure goes perfectly.

  10. Praying all goes well for you. The time goes so quickly when you're up against a deadline.


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