
Sunday, September 18, 2022

Weekly goals - Saturday Sampler Block #11

 I'm a list maker.  My desk is covered with sticky notes, and lists - a grocery list, an errand list, tasks for work projects, and a sewing goals list.  Actually that goals list moved from my work desk to my sewing table to remind me of what priorities I had set for this past week.  

At the top of the list was the Saturday Sampler blocks for this month.  And I'm happy to say I can check off all of those items as done.

The fancy pieced sashing is attached to Block #11, and I'm really itching to start sewing the rows together.  One more block to go!!  We’ll get that in October.

The bright version with the black background - done, and framed.   This might be one of my favorite block designs in this sampler set so far.  

And the batik version is finished as well.  

I can also check off the bottom item - attaching the binding onto the Autumn Garden table runner.  And hopefully by the end of today the hand stitching will be done too.

More pieces for the Boo Buddies appliqué have been ironed onto the fabrics.  There are so many pieces for this that it may take me all week to cut them out and arrange them onto the background.

Finally - I strayed from the goal list and cut the parts for 5 more Ohio Star blocks and 5 more Pyramid blocks.  The Ohio Star blocks will go onto next week's goal list, with the plan to have enough of both sets to set them together into quilt tops.  They've been an on-going Rainbow Scrap Challenge project all year and it's time to get them done.


  1. Hi Sara, are Saturday blocks part of a week block type? Your blocks are beautiful, but the batik caught my eyes, so springy! Yes, I am ready for Spring Season!
    Good luck with your check list this week.

  2. pretty blocks - I'm a list maker too - I tried for awhile to make list on an ap on the phone - not for me - I do keep a grocery list on the phone but other than that I have notes all over the house it seems.

  3. i'll vote for the batik as well...i am also a serial list maker...helps me get a lot done!


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