
Friday, September 9, 2022

What is wrong with this picture?

 I knew these cone flowers just didn't look quite right, but it took me awhile to figure out what was actually wrong about them.

They were both missing the corner pieces of the background that would make them not appear like "square" flowers.  The top of the flower petals shouldn't be square. 

Luckily I had only made 2 of the 4 flowers at the time, and it didn't take long to pick out enough seams to fix them.  And I made the last 2 correctly.  

All fixed and ready for assembling all the sections plus the borders.  That didn't take long. 

Autumn Garden is now a flimsy, ready to quilt.  The colors are more accurate in the closeup photos.  I took this one out on the deck in the shade so it's a bit muted.  But this is a very fun table runner with the fall colors.  I'm very pleased with how it turned out. 


  1. I wouldn’t have noticed a problem with the flowers. The finished runner looks amazing.

  2. Oh yes I like the flowers much better, good catch while you could still fix it!! It's gorgeous!

  3. Really cute table runner. I like Cone flowers however they are pieced together!


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