
Thursday, October 6, 2022

A UFO finish - Halloween Party

A finish is good - and a UFO finish is even better!

Halloween Party was made last year about this time, but I didn't drop it off to be quilted until this fall.  The blocks are just big Half Square Triangles alternated with a very basic chain block.  And it's very scrappy - but uses fun Halloween prints with a starry (orange, grey, black) background.  This wasn't my original plan for a layout, but decided I liked the dramatic diagonal strips of color.  

The chain blocks alternated colored chains and background chains.  The HST used the bigger prints and last year it seemed like everywhere I looked there were fun new Halloween novelty prints.  I got a little carried away, and I'm sure there is enough left for at least another quilt.  Or two.  

Next binding task is another UFO - switching from Halloween to spring with Tulip Time.


  1. You have another great finish, Sara. I love the bold, fun colors in this one.

  2. What a cheerful quilt! Congratulations on a fine finish.

  3. Congratulations on another beautiful UFO finish!

  4. You will be all decked out for Halloween this year!! Congrats on getting this one done just in the nick of time!


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