
Saturday, October 8, 2022

Another look at green

The green drawer of yardage is the one that is currently the most difficult to close.  And the green scrap bin is definitely overflowing again.  Guess I'm partial to green. 

I took a bit of inventory of the green choices I made earlier in the year when we were to use the medium to dark shades of green.  I didn't follow directions very well evidently. 

The first 2 elephants (last spring) were both in that SAGE green hue, and toward the lighter side of sage.  So this month's new elephants are much more "lime" but also toward the medium tone.  They're all cute as can be so it doesn't matter what color they are.  I've made 2 each month so there are now 20 of these cute 12" elephant blocks.  Enough for a quilt?  Maybe . . . depending on the layout.  Or maybe I need to make a few more and split them up into 2 quilts. 

Each month I've made 5 of the Falling In Love blocks in the RSC color.  My first set of green ones included 3 dark hearts and 2 that are definitely more of the sage to lime tones.

These blocks are approximately 8" x 9" finished.  And since there were 45 of these (5 blocks for 9 months) heart blocks already, I didn't want to add any more green to the mix.  I'm adding some warm browns instead - and stopped at 3 blocks because that make 48 which works out nicely.

A few other random green blocks and brown blocks also happened this week while I was on a block sewing marathon.  Two of the Rainbow Connection string blocks happened while I was digging into the scrap bins.  When I found some 5" squares in the scraps that caused me to make some more of the Windmill blocks that I hadn't made in months.  One new pyramid was quickly sewn, along with that Ohio Star block needed to complete the quilt top - which is done. 

For now I've put away those brown scraps again, and will continue to work with green this month.  The Falling In Love heart blocks are ready to lay out on the floor to come up with a plan for this 2022 RSC project.  I know it's dangerous, but I've been looking on Pinterest at various layout options.  

One of the RSC block collections I had neglected lately is the Friendship Square.  I made a green one for this month and a light blue one for last month.  There are now 25 of these, so I think another 5 will make a decent sized quilt.  And there are about 30 of the squares (exchanged at guild) left in the box to choose from, so no problem. 

And in the meantime, I'll continue with the Quilt of Valor blocks and some other odds and ends of blocks that are quick to sew as Leaders/Enders.  
Check out the Rainbow Scrap Challenge for this week.


  1. Those elephant blocks are such fun. You've got a great start on some fun rainbow scrappy quilts. Looking forward to seeing you put each of the them together.

  2. these blocks are so pretty...each month i'm more and more tempted to join in!

  3. I just love your elephant blocks! So, so much inspiration going on here, Sara!!!

  4. Cute elephants, and all your green and brown blocks are pretty. I love the Friendship Squares!

  5. Do you have a pattern for the elephants? My mother LOVES elephants!

  6. Love the Ohio Star top! It looks cheerful and happy. And I love thos hearts, too. Looking forward to that top!

  7. Y9u have so many fun blocks in your collections! I'm really looking forward to seeing the elephants and the Falling in Love blocks in their rainbows!

  8. You are staying busy and getting your sewing therapy;)

  9. All your wonderful blocks will soon turn into wonderful tops! But beware the lure of Pinterest. Some of us have been lost there for days at a time . As always, your elephants are my favorite.

  10. love your bright green elephants. looking forward to seeing the whole herd!!

  11. So many greens to look at! I’m looking forward to seeing your tops to make an appearance! Especially the hearts and the friendship squares! Sew fun!


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