
Wednesday, October 19, 2022

No more stalling

I promised myself that I would quit stalling on this project and just dive in, and it had to happen THIS WEEK.  It was really in danger of being put away again. 

I've had this kit for several years.  It has been on my UFO list for a couple of years.  Everything has been cut, but I just couldn't get started - until yesterday.

Humble Homes has 5 rows that are 11" by 57" of background fabric.  They alternate with houses and trees.  Rows 1, 3 and 5 each have 3 houses and 2 groves of trees.  Rows 2 and 4 each have 2 houses and 3 groves of trees.  

Row #1 has all been carefully measured and the pieces pinned in place.  Since the houses all have fusible on the back I've ironed those on.  I have a blue-grey thread to use for blanket stitching those houses.  But I couldn't find the green thread that I was so sure I had bought, so before I can begin stitching on the trees I'll be purchasing some green thread.  


  1. I love those trees - it is hard sometimes to get started on a project and when we finally finish we wonder why it took us so long to get it done

  2. Taking the first step is always the hardest, and that is behind you. I have no doubt this project will make significant progress now.

  3. At least you didn't put it on a garage sale! I got rid of a few projects that way! You will find that green thread as soon as you buy more:)


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