
Sunday, October 30, 2022

October in the rear view mirror

October was definitely a month of finishes - some only finished to the flimsy stage, but others have been quilted and bound.  Five quilt tops were finished in October.

This churn dash quilt is made from child themed novelty prints and solids.  These are the extra blocks beyond the ones I made for a guild baby quilt project.  

The other quilt tops (above) are Windmill, Saturday Sampler #2, Saturday Sampler Christmas, and Ohio Star.  The complete finishes (including binding) are Halloween Party, Tulip Time, Boo Buddies, Umbrella & Hearts, and Bee Patriotic.  A LOT of binding happened this month. 

Continuing the focus on finishes, a lot of Quilt of Valor blocks were made, as well as lots of Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks in the October color of green plus other colors as needed.  Lots and lots of blocks have been made in order to finish those quilt tops, and working toward more finishes.  

The main UFO with progress this month is the Humble Homes quilt - nearly all applique.  With a new month starting, I'm working on some additional goals that will include more UFOs, and maybe a new project or two.


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