
Saturday, November 5, 2022

Next RSC quilt progress

Continuing the focus on finishing up some of my RSC projects this year, the next one is Nanci's Stars, made all of batiks.  The brightly colored blocks were done each month with the monthly color, so now I'm working on low volume colors for the alternate blocks.  All of the blocks have come from my stash of batiks.  

These blocks began with the death of a friend a year ago.  Her sister - also a good friend - gifted me with some of Nanci's stash.  Included in that basket of goodies was a table runner kit using those 3 blue blocks.  Once I made those blue blocks, I decided to just keep making them using the RSC colors to make a donation quilt in Nanci's honor.  And it's getting there - only 4 more low volume blocks needed.  That will be my goal for this coming week - finish the blocks and start making rows.

A bit of rearranging of colors will need to happen before the rows come together.  And maybe the 2 pale yellow low volume blocks need to be replaced with better choices as they do stick out in this arrangment.

What is happening in the rest of the RSC world today?


  1. What a fun layout. The low volume blocks give the brighter blocks enough space to stand out without fighting one another. So glad you were able to use put the fabric to good use.

  2. Such a lovely story. Thanks for sharing and the quilt is very pretty. ;^)

  3. Great work! what an accomplishment! let's talk soon?

  4. Isn't that neat with the alternate neutral blocks?! Great way to use your friend's original blocks!

  5. It's always nice to read the story behind some of our donation fabrics. Nancy's quilt is coming along well.

  6. What a great way to remember your friend. It's going to be a colorful finish.

  7. I bet your friend will be looking down on you smiling when you donate this in her honor. Maybe you can put those light yellow in the backing or make a pillow with them and gift to the daughter!

  8. What a great way to remember your friend!


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